Flower Lab

Owl Pellets
I vividly remember dissecting owl pellets as a student in the fourth grade.
At the time I was fascinated by the whole concept and got excited every time I found a new bone. The second time around, doing this process as an adult, I was a little more apprehensive about diving into pulling apart the owl pellet. However I was still intrigued by the whole concept and couldn't stop myself from participating in the activity. Dissecting owl pellets is an excellent way to learn about what owls eat and how owls digest their food. You can also learn a lot about the bone structure of the small rodents who have become the owls' dinner. Owl pellets are made of the bone and fur that the owl regurgitates after swallowing his prey whole. Bringing owl pellet dissection into the classroom may seem disgusting at first, but it is interesting and a fun learning experience. |